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Help Removing Header!!

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10+ Year Contributor
Jun 9, 2009
boston, Massachusetts

i need to remove my header for coating from a 4G64 engine. the problem is its VERY VERY rusty and the NUTS are super rusty too. I have 2 questions if anyone can answer them please DO.

1. how can i safely remove my header without messing up the NUTS?:hmm: WD-40?

2. Can i take the old NUTS to lets say (Home Depot) and get brand new nuts same size?or
do headers need a special nut?:hmm:

Thanks guys i would really appreciate if if anyone that visits this thread leave an opinion.:thumb:
0. People will rip on you for calling your "header" headers. You only have 1.

1. You pray. If you break them, you get to learn how to get them out because you'll have to. It happens all the time. WD-40 works a little better than prayer in this case.

2. They're car parts, not building materials. HD doesn't sell metric copper lock nuts. It's usually a dealer part, but you can find the whole set of nuts even with studs on ebay or in speed shops for cheap.
What he's saying is that you cannot get car parts at a home store. Get new nuts at a NAPA, or Advance Auto Parts. Or if your not gonna hurt your wallet go to a Mitsubishi dealership. PB Blaster will help alot get those rusty nuts off. Good Luck.
O ok sorry, i just tought those were like any regular nut, but any more ideas in what i should do after i spray PB blaster ?
ok ill chime in here. soak the nuts/studs overnight with pb blaster, soak them realy good. break out the breaker bar or ratchet and crank the hell out of them. simple as that. if that doesnt work, heat the nuts/studs up with a propane torch. theyll come off realy quick. just dont burn the hell out of yourself.

have fun
I usually use PB Blaster over the course of a few days to a week. Spray it on whenever you think about it, no matter if it's right before you drive the car, right after you get back from a drive, or any other random time. The heat cycles with PB Blaster should help, as well as the time period. We did this on both my brother's car and mind and all nuts came off without any problem.
alright thanks a lot guys ill give it a shot.Is it guoing to have any smoking? i remenber i got a litle WD-40 on my header and when they got HOT thta thing was smoking haha people walking by thought my engine was dieing LOL
I usually use PB Blaster over the course of a few days to a week. Spray it on whenever you think about it, no matter if it's right before you drive the car, right after you get back from a drive, or any other random time. The heat cycles with PB Blaster should help, as well as the time period. We did this on both my brother's car and mind and all nuts came off without any problem.

^^^^What he said! Its gonna smoke a little after it heats up each time but youll just have to deal with it. Its always worked for me on any exhaust bolt Ive had to remove.
hahah that was the funniest day LOL the people walking by seeing all that smoke wondering if they should call 911 for help hahaha ill give it a shot.
I didnt snap any bolts when I took mine off.
But since they are rusty, be patient. Dont crank them as fast as you can. Thats when they heat up, and snap.
I recommend they spray that has alot of squares on it. It works great.
But since they are rusty, you manifold will be rusted on, dont be afraid to hit it to get it off.
The sludge hammer was my best friend on this job.
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