Probationary Member
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- Jul 30, 2004
Ok htis is my first dsm and i picked up a 92 gsx for a cheep price as the auto tranny was not working i was told it was the clutch endplates that had gone bad. I started the car yesterday and waited 10 seconds then put it in D and it wanted to move? So i went and closed the hood thinking man now i can drive it. well got back in the car and put it in drive again and now nothing. so i went to fiddling under the hood and there is a plug by the shifter mechanism it has 3 wires on it, and i heard a ticking pretty repeditive well when i disconected this plug it went a way. the ticking isnt very loud just there. I was wondeing if mabey somone knows if thats a pro. If not i was just going to replace the endplates but dose this sound like thats all that was wrong? the car just dosnt have any go like you are in nutral i was told that when it did go bad he had pulled up to a stopsign and when he went to go it wouldnt just like now. Thanx guys.