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Where to find good quality headliner material in (more or less) original color?

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Proven Member
Jul 22, 2020
Queens, New York
I'd like to replace the sagging headliner on my '92 Talon, which is some shade of burgundy, and am wondering where folks here obtain it. I tried JoAnn's and the place looked like Sears in its final days, a real mess with nothing that looked like it would work.

There are some online sources with reasonable fabric prices but they charge a ridiculous amount for shipping, like $50-$100, even if you just need a couple of yards.

Amazon has some sources for around $20/yard, but there are complaints in the comments about it coming folded and not rolled and having wrinkles and creases that are hard to remove, and the foam being pretty thin. I want this to look decent and last.

I'm willing to spend a reasonable amount on it but not a small fortune. I already have a can of 3M 38808 headliner adhesive so I'm set there.

Btw, what's an ideal temp and humidity range for doing this?

And is there a preferred fabric type to get?

...I found this place and product, are they/is it any good?

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Years ago when I redid mine I bought some at my local Joann Fabrics. I see your comment about your store being a bit rough. Maybe try online? I assume they'd ship with more care than Amazon.
I got a roll of fabric for my Neon headliner from these people, it worked well. You can ask if they’ll do custom colors.

I got a roll of fabric for my Neon headliner from these people, it worked well. You can ask if they’ll do custom colors.

Thanks, but it appears that they don't have the color I need.
I’d Google map fabric or upholstery and go from there. Bring in a sample from the old or even a panel and match it. My upholstery guy is next door so I’m biased. He redid the headliner and mirrors and it makes all the difference.
Do they tend to have car-specific headliner, which has a foam backing?
An upholstery shop can get that. If you can match the color with any fabric adding a foam backing doesn’t seem too hard to do.
It would be double the work and make it twice as likely to misapply something. Since they already make headliner fabric and I'm not being too picky on color so long as it's in the general neighborhood, I'd rather go with that. Plus, I found the one place above that has a color that seems like a really good match. $16/yard + S&H, should be just over $40.
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