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squealing not coming from belts?

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Probationary Member
May 2, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Ive noticed that i get a loud squealing that sounds like its coming from the firewall. Its not constant and only happens after the cars been warmed up and driving for awhile. I noticed this driving my girlfriend to work about 35 miles one day and ever since then it seems to be getting louder everyday.

Its seems to start after prolonged periods of driving in 5th gear on the highway but im not sure that has anything to do with it. Its not coming from the belts because it remains constant speed, even when revving up the rpms it just is a continuous whine at the same pace.

It comes and goes as im driving but its becoming louder and staying around longer lately and i just wanna find out what it can be. I just bought the car and it has a new timing belt >5k miles, new belts for everything else, a/c delete, power steering removed so that takes care of everything i would normally think the problem is. The only other thing i could imagine it being is the heater fan but the noise is their whether the heat is on or not at the exact same pace.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as im losing my mind trying to figure out what this could be.
I would say its a driveline issue. Rear, driveshaft, or transfer case. Could be in the trans too but I doubt it since its not constant.
if that were the case wouldnt it get faster or slower depending on speed?

It almost as if it sounds to be coming from inside the front of the car, possibly in the dash, but i know how decieving your ears can be tracking things down. I thought it might be coming from the gauge gluster, is there anything constantly turning inside there that could cause this by being worn out? The car is a 90 with nearly 200k on the clock, but the engine runs better then any of the 5 ive owned previously and was built by a top DSM shop in my area. So i know its mechanically sound other then a slightly worn wheel bearing, its just extremely annoying.
Possibly the cable driven speedometer cable. Could un screw it from the trans and take for a drive to confirm. Only thing that seems to make sense from what you are describing.
Possibly the cable driven speedometer cable. Could un screw it from the trans and take for a drive to confirm. Only thing that seems to make sense from what you are describing.

Would this also cause a jumpy speedo? Mine sometimes starts bouncing at certain speeds, and if it also can make this noise perhaps it needs to be changed.
Wheel bearings....Hard to track down since the sound can resonate from all parts of the car.
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