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  1. 90moneypit

    Street Build 1G Build: Return of the DSMer!

    Don't know if you want to categorize this under 'inspiration' or not but it is incredibly HARD to get rid of a DSM. Especially one you have memories in. This guy was a Rollercoaster, like most are. Had lofty expectations, like most do. But aside from the 2 years I paid for storage space until I...
  2. Looseal

    Street Build Looseal

  3. 90moneypit


    This is the Build Thread for Looseal. Reply below.
  4. 90moneypit

    2G Transfer case shims

    Not to sidetrack the post but, how are YOU doing these days? I know the shop, the cars, the parts and all that with insurance battles etc. But how is Tim coming along? Tools are useless until someone who knows what to do with them picks them up.
  5. 90moneypit

    Garrett & Holset Turbo Users - Your Oil Drain May Be Too Small!

    Okay I don't feel so bad resurrecting this after 8 months instead of it being years but... With Spectra making affordable N/T 6 bolt pans, is that a better option to drill and weld with a bung compared to the morrison adapter at the pan? My current pan is old but minty fresh (It seems I hoard...
  6. 90moneypit

    1G Best non-Dogbox we can get?

    That's what I was afraid of. Being the Moneypit, it is, of course, a Dec 89 built chassis with all the red flags for a build that I ignored 17 years ago when I bought her: ebay 3GT, rattle can paint, clear Daddy issues if ever a car could have them, she does have the long tab selectors on the...
  7. 90moneypit

    1G Best non-Dogbox we can get?

    Wow! After letting her hibernate for a decade, I've finally got some resources to finish off the Moneypit (aka Looseal) now all the transmissions options have disappeared...Still rocking the 90 AWD tranny and tcase but now that I can upgrade the from the E3 manifold/turbo/O2 (yes, that old of...
  8. 90moneypit

    Questions for Justin...

    Here's a question for Justin. I haven't heard anything about the Tim's turbos T3 housing on here. If it's been covered I apologize. So for the question: I have a 4g63 .010 over with CP forged 9:1, Eagle rods, Cometic tri HG, and ARP's holding it together from head to main caps. 255 with...
  9. 90moneypit

    job guidance/rant

    It's called "Giving 2 weeks notice". Explain that the job next door pays more, doesn't require you to deliver parts, and is a step up. I once quit a job at McDonald's but still eat there... Your boss is a big boy and can't expect you to work part time for the rest of your life. I'm sure...
  10. 90moneypit

    Flex Fuel Badging

    Talk to any sign maker and give them a picture to work with. Or you can hire an airbrusher, pin striper as well. Or are you asking where to find one for $5? :D
  11. 90moneypit

    Need to vent

    :thumb: We're Atheists not Satanists ;) Most "A's" have gone through a lot of research into different religions before making a decision and we're just as curious as to why you believe as you are to why we don't. I hope all goes well with the super build too. I've always been curious how you...
  12. 90moneypit

    Need to vent

    Well, I'm an atheist but I still know that there can be positive aspects to organized religion depending on the message... What I can offer you are these questions (I feel religion should be about answering questions about yourself, not getting answers) about REVX: Why did you start it? Have...
  13. 90moneypit

    FP68HTA - Back to Back Vs an E3 16g!

    Read ALL the posts before posting and 'teasing', and it's been discussed to death how he 'could have made more power' with the 16g. Again, if you'd read ALL the posts you'd notice he's using 950 FIC injectors, he was even nice enough to include pictures with the duty cycle and an AFR of 11.3...
  14. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Every option? I can think of a couple it's missing, like a hood that fully closes...
  15. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    I think that's 4 grand in turbo(S)... Looks like ~2.5-3" inlet so I'm betting it's on it's 10th ebay turbo. It still has the stock heat shield on it for crying out loud!
  16. 90moneypit

    Would you use recycled oil?

    Turn the clock back 20 years and you'll see the same debate over conventional oils vs synthetic. Time will tell if the recycled product can match or even exceed virgin oils. Everything else is heated carbon dioxide pollution. :D
  17. 90moneypit

    Is this a crime now?

    Anyone can try to do anything they want to do... at least once. Police are not immune to the law either. The fact is and will always remain that 'WE' don't know everything surrounding the circumstances surrounding anything that happens. Police officers can and do make mistakes but they are at...
  18. 90moneypit

    Funny Youtube Videos

    YouTube - ‪Ultimate Dog Tease‬‏Just in case there's anyone left who still hasn't seen this.
  19. 90moneypit

    Is this a crime now?

    Everyone wants to be a protester until the dogs and fire hoses come out... I can think of a few people I've known who'd laugh at calling the 'body slam' police brutality. That's not even a warm up compared to what was done in the 60's. I didn't see any night sticks, tear gas, bullets (rubber...
  20. 90moneypit

    Fast Five 2011 compared to the Fast and the Furious 2001

    Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, American Pie, oh and just to mess with your mind, Benji (8 freakin' Benji movies...). But your missing the ultimate franchise that has everything you can wring from a PG rating and has racked up over 20 movies, has girls, gadgets, and cars...
  21. 90moneypit

    Massive structural damage- what to do now?

    Ouch! Talk about launch control... (surprised no one else said that first) That's a shame, it was a really clean looking car and you'll have problems finding another clean one in the midwest or anywhere else that hasn't been beat to death. You'll need a new car for sure, a front subframe swap...
  22. 90moneypit

    Is this a crime now?

    I don't wanna grow up, I'm a DSM kid. My car gives me a million problems I can't deal with. From aches and pains to ex-cus-es lame I just wanna be a DSM kid... :Dsung to the toys r us theme in case you couldn't tell. :tease: I'm with you on this one, maybe we need an official bench-lawyer...
  23. 90moneypit

    Is this a crime now?

    To add to the previous two wiseman posts and in response to the constitutional quote (but in a limited way): Peaceful assembly is not a protest but a meeting of persons not otherwise prohibited from congregating (convicted felons for one example, child molesters at an easter egg hunt for...
  24. 90moneypit

    Punsishment Racing Radiator Colling Issues

    I have a PR radiator w/o the shroud (wasn't available when I bought mine), and had overheating problems with several different thermostats from various parts stores. The solution was to get a factory thermostat and gasket! Every single t-stat or gasket, and occasionally both, failed within a...
  25. 90moneypit

    My Breast Cancer Awareness DSM

    Why not "2nd bas" for your plate? FWIW, I participate in every Susan G that I can."Boobies. Hug 'em, Love 'em, Save 'em!"
  26. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Maybe he means Mivec? It's possible (but unlikely) that he swapped a Mivec head onto it but all of them are SOHC and he wouldn't have the electronics to control the oil pressure switch to swap to the high lobe on the cam... Sounds like another highly informed, dedicated mechanics car to me...
  27. 90moneypit

    New DSM song (Pretty badass)

    Huh. I guess they thought they could get into the Fast Five soundtrack with this... :D
  28. 90moneypit

    galant vr4 need help!!

    It's possible to get oil in the cylinders from a bad head gasket but most of the time is coolant that leaks into the cylinder. Do the compression test first before tearing into the engine and replacing parts since there's a very good chance it's the valve seals like Brent said. You'll still...
  29. 90moneypit

    need 3inch exhaust on my galant vr4 wheres a good shop?

    I don't have any experience with David yet but remember that you'll get what you pay for! A crimp bend muffler shop job might save you 100 bucks but it won't perform like a professionally mandrel bent system designed for your car will. There's also the matter of proper hanger locations to...
  30. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Not 20 but at least 10 if it's sprinkling, which is just about a constant. If it snows... forget about it, people are abandoning their cars on the side (if you're lucky, middle if you're not) of the interstate and walking. I'm not talking about up in the passes where there's a good 6-8"'s+ of...
  31. 90moneypit

    dead aliens are attacking.... kinda.... not really.... but still there's alien fossil

    The Egyptians weren't some grubby cult that only saw things as 'supernatural', they were an advanced civilization with a middle class of artisans... It's well documented that they had knowledge of electricity, avionics, and engineering long before the European's were. Do a little research into...
  32. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    I guess he couldn't afford an Audi! I personally like Audi's so I've always checked them out every chance. Now don't anyone take this the wrong way but 90-95% of the Audi's (A4's up to A8's!!) I've seen in WA are driven by Asians! It's just weird that there isn't an average ethnicity mix of...
  33. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    I didn't even notice it was a Tacoma listing and thought he was going for the Tokyo skyline. There IS a rather large Asian population around Seattle though. Maybe it makes it JDM :D
  34. 90moneypit

    dead aliens are attacking.... kinda.... not really.... but still there's alien fossil

    It's called an alloy. My brother works in a foundry that does a lot of military contracts. I've seen pieces of 'scrap' he's smuggled out that were lighter and thinner than pure aluminum and rigid enough to not be bent. I don't know the exact composition but it was an aluminum base with...
  35. 90moneypit

    Well...I bought a Skyline.

    Be very careful. It seems the U.S. Government is going out of it's way to confiscate Skylines now.
  36. 90moneypit

    Tuners, Unite. Title Issues

    Any update on this? Was the car legit or did you wash your hands of it?
  37. 90moneypit

    random things you've made

    I don't know why people think DSM guys are obsessed with their cars... :D That's pretty damn impressive though!
  38. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Talk about confused... Isn't that the space needle in that skyline?!? I'll just bypass the whole rising star on an american made car but what the hell does Seattle have to do with it? LOL Or was that supposed to be the Eiffel tower?
  39. 90moneypit

    Well...I bought a Skyline.

    Nurberbring decal on the rear deck is a nice touch! Nice looking car, hope it hasn't been treated like a DSM by whoever had it before. Check with for replacement bumpers and parts. They have a LOT of cars at their disposal (pun intended), they're a salvage yard with the...
  40. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Wow. Best running in WA huh? DSM GSX Eclipes Bold words, sir. Bold words...
  41. 90moneypit

    DSM Furniture.

    Thanks for the quick reply but most Evo guys seem to think their used oil is worth more than new simply because it came from a "REAL!!!!" Evo... Not all of them mind you, but enough to make me cringe at the potential price. I'll look into it though.
  42. 90moneypit

    DSM Furniture.

    Nice! I wanted to do that with some burned up 14b's but couldn't visualize how to do it. I tried the same thing with some stock cams but couldn't find a long enough drill bit to get all the way through them and all the extensions I found were too big. Anyone know if any factory cams (any...
  43. 90moneypit

    Gas Station Story

    Or maybe his Canadian brain was misfiring between kph and mph... 167mph would still be kind of out of range for a supercharged eclipse (gearing) but closer to the 420's believability scale at least :D Funniest related gas jockey story I have involved trying to get a paper at the station. The...
  44. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    Yeah, read avenged5's response. I had a N/T years before the GSX and had to field the 'turbo bulge' question more times than I can count. :D
  45. 90moneypit

    random things you've made

    umm... most of the ones you'd want are in an evidence bag :D It was a little too destructive for any kind of serious play, leather is a lot more 'forgiving' for that. I didn't want to give any involuntary piercings after all.
  46. 90moneypit

    random things you've made

    I made a chain mail whip years ago when I was forced to show up at work on Thanksgiving. They can make you show up, but I proved they couldn't make me 'work'... 24" of hand linked with 3 tips so I guess it was more of a flail than a whip. Got paid over a hundred bucks that day to do it too :D
  47. 90moneypit

    The Official funny stuff on Craigslist thread

    It's not turbo, it doesn't have the bulge in the hood for it! lol
  48. 90moneypit

    how do i get more torque

    Or use N2O. It has a slight torque bias over the stated hp 'rating' on a per jet basis. Basically, for a 50whp shot, you'd see around 60 ft/lbs. Just don't go wild with it or you'll have 1000 ppl on here quoting "Naws! Boom!" and other nonsense. But you will have to be extra careful using...
  49. 90moneypit

    Magnetic GAS saver ftfw

    Jeebus H! I didn't notice the paws the first time. Seriously disturbing. It IS wearing a 'ladies' watch though on those thick a$$ wrists...:barf:
  50. 90moneypit

    Magnetic GAS saver ftfw

    Because everyone knows that HydroCarbon's are really ferrous metals in disguise! How else could you get those suckers to straighten up in neat little rows like that? Besides, it clearly states that the other claims are too good to be true so his more modest claims MUST be true!Hell...
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