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please help identify hose

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20+ Year Contributor
Aug 8, 2002
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ok yesterday we're messin around in my engine cuz we had heard sumthin kinda fall off while driving like a few days back. And then while I was looking at the intake, i saw what was missing. I'm missing that fat hose that goes into the inlet pipe just after the MAS. Not the skinney ones that go to like the valve cover or wherever they went (i dunno cuz i took em off and capped em a long time ago) but the fatest one is the one i need. I went to the dealer and they couldn't figure it out because they need to know exactly where it goes to, and i have no clue. So if anyone could maybe let me know where that hose goes to or a part number of it or any info on it, id really appreciate it. thanx
Originally posted by me612
ok yesterday we're messin around in my engine cuz we had heard sumthin kinda fall off while driving like a few days back.
Glad to hear you're getting right on that.

Are you missing the BOV recirc hose?


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nah that's not the hose, ill take a pic of exactly what im talking about. And about getting right on it, we had looked around when it happened but couldn't find what it was. But yesterday we were messin around comparing my intake to my buddies EVOs intake, and that's when i noticed it was gone. So ill take a pic and put up what connnector on the intake the hose was hooked up to. thanx for your help tho.
The larger of the 2 hoses that run to the intake tube is for the charcoal canister. Not even needed. Don't worry about it. Just plug the hole in the intake tube with a large screw/bolt.
Originally posted by NOSLO2PT0
The larger of the 2 hoses that run to the intake tube is for the charcoal canister. Not even needed. Don't worry about it. Just plug the hole in the intake tube with a large screw/bolt.

agreed... thats exaclty what it sounds like
ok thanx for the responces, but just to be sure, i got a pic of the little jack where the hose is supposed to be plugged into. So please could u tell me which hose was supposed to go there and where the other end of the hose goes. And if its the one that you already said, then thanx, i just want to be absolutly sure that you're right about it so here's the pic

ps, im just using my friends computer, and i can't figure out how to log off of his name and use mine so im posting under his name, but it's me!
so what is the purpose of that thing the hose goes to. Is it bad that im running right now without a hose connected there and my intake? I'm gunna order the part from mistubishi but im just wondering if the couple days before it gets here if ill be ok running without it. thanx, laterz
ACtually there are 2 hoses there. 1 goes to the crank case relieve breather and the other goes to the EGR solenoid.

They both can be capped off with vaccum caps, however you need to address where the other end of the lines are going to now that they aren't plugged into the intake pipe.
so you're saying that 2 hoses go to that one nipple thing? can u maybe supply a pic of those 2 locations or something cuz honestly i don't know where the egr or the crank case relieve breather are. tahnx for your help
No no. I am saying there are 2 nipples in that picture you supplied us. 1 is already capped off (towards the turbo). The bigger one isn't and letting unmetered air in. Cap it off.

Now there used to be 2 vaccum lines that fed those 2 nipples. ONe came from the valve cover (look for the nipple sticking out the side opposite the timing belt) and the other came from the EGR canister.
oh ok, well the one that's capped off I already know about, but the other one that's circled, that's the one im asking about. So is that the one that goes to the EGR Solonoid or whatever? I'll cap it off but i really don't know where the EGR is so any help on the location of that or where ever that missing hose was supposed to lead to? thanx again
EGR's on the back of the head. The fatter of those two connections is for the EVAP, the thinner is for the crankcase breather.
But I don't know what could have fallen off either of those that'd make a noise you'd hear in the car.
so the EVAP one is the one im talking about... is that the same thing as the EGR? sorry i have no clue at all, i wanna cap that thing off before sumthin goes bad and i have no clue what any of this looks like or whatever. Please break it down barney style for me cuz im lost. thanx
No, the EGR is all in the head, it runs some exhaust back to the intake straight through the manifold when vacuum conditions are right. Some pointy-head at the EPA thinks it makes some damned difference.

The EVAP is for the horrid fumes from the gas tank that'll kill us all if they get out into the air (who knows, with the crap they sell as "gasoline" these days, it just might). So it gathers it all up and filters it out of the air, runs the collected gas back to the tank and runs the dirty air into your intake. The motor doesn't care about it either way, but you'll lose a bit of mileage if you disable the system.
ok cool, thanx for the help, ill go to the dealer and tell him its my evap hose that came off and i think they'll be able to show me exactly where the other end of the hose goes. thanx again
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