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Krylon Fusion.....pretty sweet!

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20+ Year Contributor
Mar 30, 2003
Just got back from painting some accent pieces in my ride with the new Krylon Fusion. I love this stuff.....
No primer....did not sand it because i like the texture and it goes on nice. All i did was wash my pieces...(I do not use armor all so no need for alcohol} and the fan tip on the can which is changeable applied the paint perfectly...i did just one coat and it looks badass....i will do more coats. It dries really fast and on the underside of a piece i painted it to do the scratch test....that stuff really bonds to the plastic!!
I am doing my accent pieces in "Patriotic Blue" and the rest in black , but they did not have the black in stock so that will have to wait...i have the shitty stock grey but all that is changing!! I will post finished pics later.
So the Fusion really works? Does it scratch off or rub off? How much does it cost and how much can you paint with one can? Sorry about all the questions. Thanks
I could not get it to rub off and really hard to get it to scratch off...bonds molecularly os it is on to stay....i painted most of my aceesoreis allreday and not half of a can gone....and it was less than 10 bucks for 2 cans..i think it was $9.45. The only place i could find it was Sherwin Williams.
How many coats do you have to put on it? Or how many are recomended? Can you use it on your handles and locks as well?
Well the can just says apply multiple coats but i only put on 2 so far...and it says you have to either apply the coats in a 24 hour period or after 7days...dunno must be a sealing process...?
Also it dries in 15 minutes - handle after 1 hour...
I cannot wait to do the black now...but i think the dash removal is gonna suck!
Oh and the locks , handle, question i would think it would just fine...but the can says it will work well on wood,metal,and other surfaces but i would think you would have to primer those surfaces but am not sure...
Thanks for the review. Ive been looking into that stuff for a little.
im guessing that all the major paint stores will be carrying fusion soon if not already. Im in the process of making a fiberglas tv mount for my passengers side door, so hopefully i can find this paint when i get ready to paint it, also, im going to redo all my interior pieces, but im not sure if im gonna take the opd paint of first, it sticks really well now, but its alot of work to sand all he pieces down and repaint so ill probably just put another coat krylon over the existing pieces
will that paint acutally work on the dash? im just asking b/c the dash isnt made of the same material as most of the interior pieces.
I used the krylon fusion to paint some accent as well, worked great, really glossy, unlike some other paints, but I did the console cover and it gets kinda tacky when it s hot out, wouldnt recommend it for that, but everything else has come out nice.
As you know i love the fusion but i have to take out the center vent which has all those controlling cables to it.....MY question is if i take it out do i have to worry about any springs shooting out or really messing something up or is it easy to take apart and put together????
Help please.
no, you dont have to worry about springs. There is a u shaped clip and an eyebolt type clip. Just unsnap the eyebolt and pull it out. If you can, try and get it out without making the u shaped clip pop up, its kinda hard to get back in, for me it was easiest to reach up through the glovebox to put the u shaped clip back in. THe eyebolt clip is in the very front of the right hand side of the vents, easy to see GL:dsm:
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