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Just took some new pix tell me what yah think

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20+ Year Contributor
Nov 27, 2001
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I gots lots of wires to hide still god dang rice mirrors LOL

If you want to see even more pix of the car go Here
your car is clean.. keep it that way.. also nice clean engine bay..

i also notice the not quite often seen 2 strut bars on a 2G.. i thought my friend was the only one..
Very clean looking. Keep it up. It should be called 1 slowdsm. Hahahaha, just kidding. Well not really, get a turbo on that baby.
I almost did the 1slowdsm hahah yeh no turbo for me....I like turning more than stright line performance.. I like the ractive alot sounds really good its just a weld on so no gain for me :) but it looks purty hahah
Yes they did im just to lazy to take the sticker off LOL but it was my buddy tonys shop so I just tell ppl im keeping the memorys haha
i got some gain from my exaust and its just welded on. i can tell on my take off. cant find a dyno here in newnan GA
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