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is it really that easy??

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yes and no. yes that about all it takes to swap a 1gen block into a 2gen. but what they are refering to is 6 bolt turbo motor or block and swaping it for the 7 bolt block or motor which is also a turbo motor. you car is a n/a so this does not pertain to your car.
need a new tranny then to go with the motor as the chrysler tranny won't bolt up. I would imagine the ecu is vastly different, and many other things.

A 1G would be much easier to swap a turbo motor into.
It's not that easy, in fact, it's not easy at all. In fact, it's almost impossible without tons of money. The NT 2G motor is backwads. You can't swap reversed motors.
^^^VERY TRUE^^^ your looking at about $5,000 just in engine parts + tranny + welding motor mounts, and its very difficult... oh, and i almost forgot labor. your better off buying a gst or gsx.
That would be like dropping a 4G63 into a 95+ Dodge Neon. Think of it that way. Guys with Neons are not dropping in 4G63's like thier going out of style for a reason. Cost wayyy to much money and it's easier to turbo the motor you have...
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