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Get rid of cat.

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naah,your o2 sensor is behind the cat,and it should'nt effect it anyway. removing the catalytic converter will open up ehaust flow and free up some horsepower,but its not legal,so thats your choice to make.
I had my exhaust done at a local shop and he made mine so I could put the stock cat back in if I wanted too. I ran the car for about two weeks with the rear O2 tied up under the car and it ran like crap, not to mention i lost the head gasket. It was running so rich that after a short drive I would have black soot all over the rear of the car and it was slow also. I would advise in getting a high flow cat and keep the O2 sensor in. I have known a few guys who had no cat and kept their O2 in and within a month it was so fouled up they had to get a new one. So to me it was worth it to get a high flow cat for $60 and not worry about that.
Originally posted by greyGS-T
I had my exhaust done at a local shop and he made mine so I could put the stock cat back in if I wanted too. I ran the car for about two weeks with the rear O2 tied up under the car and it ran like crap, not to mention i lost the head gasket. It was running so rich that after a short drive I would have black soot all over the rear of the car and it was slow also. I would advise in getting a high flow cat and keep the O2 sensor in. I have known a few guys who had no cat and kept their O2 in and within a month it was so fouled up they had to get a new one. So to me it was worth it to get a high flow cat for $60 and not worry about that.

That problem would have nothing to do with your rear O2 sensor. It does nothing more than measure the gasses that pass it. The worse thing that could happend would be a Check Engine Light due to unburt fuel passing by. Otherwise that sensor has no other use. The front 02 sensor does everthing else, rich/lean. Your problem had nothing to do with the rear 02 sensor, just the mechanic taking advantage of you.

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