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For a GST would a 16g be better than a t28? (due to fwd)

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20+ Year Contributor
May 5, 2003
I have read many turbo posts on here and it seems that the turbo mod options are the 16g, big 16g, 20g, big t28, and the t28 killer. Many of you have said that with a fwd car you should get something with a little bit slower spool up due to burnout. At what size would the time be correct.

People have said great things about the big16g and t28 killer and it seems that the only difference is the spoolup time and high end difference.

What is the difference between the 16g and big 16g? spool up rpms? high end? Would this be the best bet for a gst looking for high 12's/low 13's?

Thanks again!
There are large debates on which turbo is better for the 2G application. With the t-28 you get ease of install and a tad faster spool than the 16G, however, the difference in spool time is so minimal, neither one effects traction more adversely than the other.
Well i have to say that it is all in your preferance. I have seen T28 go 11.94. But the 16g is good because same power and can be upgraded to a 20g when your ready. The choice is in your hands grasshopper........choose wisely!
If you want to run faster than 12s get a 20g. Dont buy a turbo because of spool time...cause a fast spool will getthere fast and hard...but a slow spool will lag and then hit hard and spin as well. Me personally I am getting a big t28 killer which has the 16g comp housing and wheel bigger turbine wheel, flows as much as the big 16g but more effiecently. But you could also go with the tried and true small 16g which flows great and is very effiecient. good luck in your choice.
Is it true then that most of these afformentioned turbo spikes (power not boost creep) when they they boosts? Aren't any of these more linear or progressive in power deliver not so much that it spikes so that it when the power comes there would be less prone to high amount of wheelspin.
yes all of the above turbos have a much more linear powerband. Alot more top end...the only problem I hear is that the big 16g is good but not as effiecient as the t28 killer and small 16g. The t28 killer flows as much as the big 16g but much better. No matter how linear they are, they all spool about the same and are all prone to wheel spin. Its all about the driver and how you handle that power.
Originally posted by Sinister
Well i have to say that it is all in your preferance. I have seen T28 go 11.94. But the 16g is good because same power and can be upgraded to a 20g when your ready. The choice is in your hands grasshopper........choose wisely!
Just curious... where have you seen a T-28 run 11.94 at, also was it a FP Big28, T-28 KILLER, or an AGP T-28? Thanks!!
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