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apex downpipe???? cracking?

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xtreme 91 tsi

Probationary Member
Jan 29, 2003
On our shop car we have the apex n1 unit 3in no cat w/flex. first one cracked on there weld were the front bracket is under the 02 housing. fixed it found it was leaking at the flex section tooo. so ordered another one. fcker cracked again on there weld on the front bracket under the 02 housing. company doesnt have a clue, they just say send it back. bla bla bla. i dont wanna have to send another one back. or on the other hand sell any of these units to costumers. any ideas why it may keep cracking along there weld on that front bracket? each time only puting about 20-30 miles on car. is this jst a crappy product or has this happened to someone before?? i love the cat back tho. but this downpipe is begining to piss me off.
get this everyone..... jst took apexi's n1 down pipe off, and no lil crack this time the whole freaking front lil bracket broken all the way around, FELL OFF ON THE GROUND. yep cracked completly all the way around on the factory weld of the bracket at the front of the pipe. THIS PIPE HAS 30 MILES ON IT. any ideas why this would happen? im just at a loss for words here. why is that bracket there in the first palce? now the second brand new pipe has a hole in it.
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