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Any Write-ups On Changing Head Gasket??

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20+ Year Contributor
Apr 19, 2003
Northridge, California
Does anyone know where i can find a write up on how exactly i can change the head gasket for a 91turbo?? Hopefully with some pictures too..

THanks Guys
yah....if you could get some pictures of what you did in all the necessary steps, im sure that would help me and a lot of people on here!!
its not that hard really i just did it. really the hardest part is finding the bolts on the back of the engine cause u can't really get to them. if u buy the chiltons its really good with that part of it and it does have some pics. but just a little piece of advice there are three bolts on the back side ot the motor that are holdint the intake onto the block they have to come off to get the head off. so good luck on finding them. i strongly suggest getting the chilton manual. its a life saver. later man and good luck

Tony D
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