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1g TT? anyone?

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Probationary Member
Jun 13, 2003
:dsm: :dsm: :confused:

Does anyone know of someone that has converted a 1G to twin turbo?
and the pros and cons of the conversion (links, forums,stats etc.)
Why would you do that? TT 4 cylinders are inefficient. Its waaaaay better just to have one large turbo with supporting mods. And no, I've never seen it.
This has been discussed, I would suggest that you check in the advanced search engine for "twin turbo" and see what happens...
I searched for twin turbo in advanced search and found nothing on a twin turbo 1G. Has this ever been tried ? wouldnt two smaller turbos spool up as fast if not faster then 1 massive 20G or am I way off?
guy did it. guy said it was worthless and regretted doing it. think it was ona 2g....but whats the diff...???
I have seen a few pictures of people doing it, but there is no point. The fastest DSM's in existance do not have 2 turbos..........
MOST of the fastest cars that use turbo are single turbo anyways... even TT Supras and stuff, when they start making alot of HP, for some reason they put one single turbo on there...

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