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Articles: Electrical & Wiring

Member-submitted articles related to DSM electrical and wiring.
I recently just redid the entire audio setup in my vehicle, and it took me a few searches here and there to get the proper information needed, so I figure I throw everything together to help those in the future.This is for those of you who are planning to upgrade your factory deck and amp. For those hoping to get an aftermarket 4-channel amplifier to power some aftermarket speakers, the information here should help you out a lot.I would recommend removing the passenger seat. It's 4 14mm bolts on each corner. Pry out the bolt covers with a flathead or just carefully popping them out by hand.You should see the Inifinity factory amp. Unplug the wiring harness from the amp and the 6-pin din cable. If you are upgrading the deck along...
This article is designed to help 2g owners identify all the plugs in the engine bay.The photos and wire colors were based off of a 1999 Eclipse GSX, so other years and models may vary in location and wire color.I would like to give a HUGE thanks to turbosax2 for helping with the photography and the documentation for the article!!The way the tech article will be set up will be as follows:This post will have the master list of all the connectors. Each connector will then have it's own separate post below which will contain a little description and a few pictures and diagrams. The first picture will be an overview shot to show the general location of the plug. The plug will be circled in green. The next picture will show the...
How to test the power transistors (aka. ignition module or ignitor):This test will check the power transistors for go/no go operation. If it fails your transistor(s) are bad. Note that the power transistors may still be weak, intermittent, or fail with temperature which this test does not check for (although you can often make bad ones fail when you heat them with a hair dryer or heat gun which I strongly recommend).Background: This test is better than the one in the manuals (which use an ohmmeter) for the following reasons:1) The manual version requires an analog ohmmeter which most people don't have and can't get easily anymore (and why buy one for just this test?). A digital one, which all people have in their multimeter, will...
So you want to ditch your 30 year old coils and plug wires for something cleaner, but don't want the issues that come with running 300m coils in wasted spark, or the problematic CDI's that tie in with the 300m COP.The EVO community has been using Denso coils for COP with great success in 800+ hp setups with no CDI required. They're a cheap, reliable and comparatitvely powerful coil to the stock DSM coils, however these can eliminate the factory ignition control module, factory coil packs, and the spark plug wires all in one.If you're looking for an ignition improvement over the factory DSM coil packs, chances are these are not going to improve over good OEM coils.There are a few guys that have been successfully running these in...
I started a thread on an electrical issue i was having. And came across lots of 2g 95-96, 97-99 wiring information. But it was across many threads and websites. so i would like to put it all in one place for everybody!This is what i have so far!!!I would like this thread to contain as much electrical as possible for the 2g dsm both 95-96, 97-99 eclipse gst, gsxplease add any and all wiring information or labeled diagrams/pictures you can to this post. if you have a better quality image then someone else please add to the thread. Thanks!-how to post:year of 2g (ex. 95-96, 97-99) short description of what your posting automatic/manual transmission (if known)95-96 2g factory electrical service manual You must be registered...
I see more EVO 1, 2, 3 in North America lately. The engine and drivetrain are very similar to DSM/GVR4, so I think there is no problem to find info for repairs, but I see some people are struggling with electrical issues because of a lack of info. It seems there is not many FSM shared on the internet or I'm not sure if they even exist in English.I have the factory electrical circuit diagrams. But those are paper books and in Japanese. I decided to make it as a PDF file little by little while staying home due to the covid-19 mess, but I would take long to complete since I need to translate from Japanese to English. So if there is someone who really needs some diagram as soon as possible, just let me know. I would take a pic of the...
Not enough space in your favorite car's engine bay? Do you really not like that eye-sore of a battery next to your 4g63? Not wanting to add hundreds of dollars in breakers and inline fuses?Well utilizing the stock fused components you still can toss your battery in the trunk or behind the passenger seat.What you'll need:-25 dollar 4 terminal distribution busbar with plastic cover (TSIAWD666 uses one also) ~readily available on ebay-2 Gauge wire for extending the positive post connection (7 to 8 feet to reach behind seat, roughly double it to place the battery in the trunk) ~[2 dollars a foot] I went to Advance Auto for all the wires-4 Gauge wire to ground the negative (2 gauge works as well but not necessary) ~[Most likely...
This is how to get your reverse lights working in your 5-spd 95-99 gst/gsx with an auto engine harness installed.This is all possible from help from Gofer! Thanks again!!So first off you need to have the pigtail for the reverse switch. *The wiring colors may vary, my stock (97) wiring was Orange w/Blue stripe and black w/white stripe. The wiring color from a 95-96 pigtail was Green w/Yellow stripe and black w/white. ** The wires will need to have a spade connector on each end. You must be registered to see element. You must be registered to see element. You must be registered to see element.Once you get the wires into the cabin, you will need to remove the radio bezel to get the the Large Blue connector behind the...
This is fairly short and simple. For wiring up your non-turbo 1G 4G63 to accomodate turbo injectors, you will first need to purchase a stock injector resistor pack. These usually go for $5-20CDN, depending on who you buy from.This is simple and is the most common cause of consern for turbo n/t-ers. They just don't like working with wiring.1. Open up the wire harness that runs to each injector. You will find 2 wires going to the plug on the injector. 2. Cut all the thick yellow wires running to EACH injector. 3. Take the white wire from the injector pack and connect it to just one of the wires you just cut. Make sure it is the one that runs to the car, not to the injector. The other 3 harness wires running to the car should be...
Hello fellow DSM folks. I wanted to post this thread to show how to wire the horn with an aftermarket steering wheel without getting the wires all tangled up inside the hub. Hope this helps other people out with the photos and video I took!Tools needed : -18 AWG stranded Wire -Heat Shrink (optional) -Heat Gun (optional) -Wire strippers & crimpers or solder gun (whatever you prefer) -Butt Connectors -Ring Terminals -Female pin terminal (get the ones with a rubber protection on it, so if it touches anything the horn won’t go off) -Hose clamp1. Remove the steering wheel (optional) (find it easier with it off since it’s not in the way)2. Remove the steering column. (2 or 3 screws underneath the column.)3. Find your horn connector...
This article presents the procedure for the ignition system wiring changes when swapping a 1991-1994 ECU into a 1990 car with a 90 wiring harness, gauges, and coil. This procedure corrects the tach signal so your tach works with a 91-94 ECU. This procedure was covered on the KeyDiver web site which I give full credit for presenting the original wiring schematics. The procedure has been removed from the site and this article is provided to replace it. There is another procedure used for the ECU swap ignition wiring but that way is much longer and requires many more parts.You must be registered to see element.For this process the only part needed is a power transistor from a 1991-1994 2.0 engine (N/T or Turbo).The 1990 coil plug...
Eclipse to Talon Tail Light Wiring ConversionFor the longest time, I've wanted to convert my Eclipse's tail light wiring to function like the Talon's where the brake and blinker lights are completely separate from each other. If you do this with a hard top Eclipse, it could be as simple as swapping a section of the harness, and the blinker relay. However, for the Spyder, that isn't possible (without major splicing of the two different harnesses). This setup can still be done, as many members on this forum have done it, but I haven't seen any write-ups. With help from 97eclipseNT, I have completed the wiring modification, and the tail lights operate the way I want them to. I give him credit for the info I'm providing, but I'm just the...
Original Author Richard Montalvo - FacebookPosted here to save the information and make it searchable."Here are total costs associated with this upgrade I just did. - Bosch Throttle body $150 (Amazon) - Billet throttle body flange $90 - Bosch wiring plug $12 - Pedal from a 4G eclipse $15 (Junkyard) - Vibrant cast elbow $35 (local shop) - Torque Solution clamp $85 - Fab work, piping & Labor $200 - Tuner adjusting the Haltech $125 : $712 no tax.Now take into consideration that I did the fab work and welding myself, but I would charge someone $200 to do all this fab work if they brought me their car. Other people may charge less or more. These are straight costs for how I did it. You can save money by not using a cast elbow and...
Little break down on why and how i got to this stage. My cars in the UK so we are similer to EU rules and regs so we have only Amber indicators in the rear but when the car was imported so many years ago they rewired some bits took some wires out for the rear and it needed tidying up.So I lost the 4 rear bulbs that are USA regs for brake and indicator, the front wings get side markers and the bumper marker was an indicator. When i recently redid the wiring to get rid of old wires and clean it up i ditched a few bulbs as i dont need them no more and this caused me some issues even before LED bulbs! I bought some LED bulbs that had build in resisters but clearly were not enough for the system and not able to compensate for it.The fix...
We all are aware of the tried and true You must be registered to see element. that has you remove the spring inside the switch.Here is another way of fixing the broken fog light switch. Taking a closer look at the problem with the switch, I noticed that the problem was that a small piece of molded plastic broke off of the switch housing. And when I was testing the bulb of a spare rear window defroster switch, I noticed that it had the same plastic piece still on the inside of the switch housing. All I did was swap out the guts of the fog light switch and put them in the housing of the rear defroster switch. Volia! It works just like the factory switch. The hazard button and the pop-up button will also work, since they both have a...
1G N/T throttle bodies have a larger bore than 2G throttle bodies. The difficulty in swapping these into a 2G is that the 1G TB uses a 3-wire TPS with a separate idle switch, while the 2G uses a 4-wire TPS with the ECU performing the idle switch commands.The 1G electrical idle switch [edited for accuracy] senses when the throttle plate closes telling the ECU to increase the idle speed under certain engine loads, including AC on, but it also is used when the driver lifts off the throttle completely, preventing the engine from suddenly air starving and abruptly slowing down the car.The 2G has this function built into the TPS, taking the input from the 4th wire of the TPS and signaling the ECU to activate the ICS motor to compensate...
This article is meant to serve as a general guide to get the horn to work with an Nrg short hub or aftermarket steering wheel. Credit goes to this particular article for the idea of using a hose clamp: You must be registered to see element. Also take note of the picture from this article to see a hacksaw blade used instead of a hose clamp: You must be registered to see element. ********Note: I will not be going over srs light or how to maintain airbags Useful Videos: -For disassembly//assembly of nrg setup wheel You must be registered to see element. -To understand the general concept of how the horn works skip to 1:15. The dude in the vid uses a paperclip instead of the hose clamp, but the same basic concept. You must be registered to...
Replacing the stock 2g steering wheel with a reasonably sized aftermarket wheel and hub is surprising easy but one is kind of left on his own to figure out how to make the horn work, and keeping the cruise control switch takes a little creativity.The horn system works by grounding the horn contact to complete a circuit and activate the horn. Most replacement wheels come with a horn button and a circular metal contact on the back. You will need to rig up your own spring contact to maintain continuous pressure on the circular contact. Whatever you use should be springy enough to maintain its shape for a long period of time. I used a piece of a hack saw blade. I thought later that I could also have used a piece of one of those...
So, while I had the headlights out of my 92 Talon for the FMIC install, I had decided to do an LED bulb conversion. No site really listed bulbs that would work and it took a little bit of customization to get them to fit, but it wasn't hard. Follow along and I will try to make it simple. LED bulbs for a 1gb are 9005 and 9006 LED bulbs for the headlights and 880 LED bulbs for our fog lights. The fog light replacement is simple, just remove and replace with the LED bulbs. Our original headlight bulbs used halogen, I believe, that uses a metal strap to hold them into our housings. I had to remove the metal straps completely so the new LED's would seat (they have an oring on them to seal out moisture). After removing the strap, you need to...
In this guide I will be describing how I replaced the MPI relay for a 1990 Eclipse GSX with 3 Bosch-style relays. This approach is useful if you had a MPI relay go out and you don't want to pay over $100 for a new one or if you are worried about sourcing one of these units in time for a track-side repair. Keep in mind that at the end of the day it's probably still quicker/easier to just buy a new MPI relay but as these get harder to find I like the idea of having an alternative strategy.Disclaimers:This has not been tested very extensively. I put this in my car and it started/idled as it should which makes me feel pretty confident that this works. However, in testing this I determined that the rest of my wiring harness was too far...
We'll start this with the standard disclaimer: This is a modification made to our car. The following article shows you how this was done. You alone take full responsibility for any modification you make to your own car.After having many cars pull out in front of us, seemingly not seeing our low-slung DSM, I wanted to have some lights to help us be seen. When I remembered, I would turn on the parking lights, but often I would forget, until some moron pulled a stupid move.I'm not generally a fan of Daytime Running Lights (DRL), but with all the work that goes into our cars, an insurance check and a body shop are not going to get us our cars back using today's Book values. So, I decided that the coolest I could make DRLs look...
Greetings from Europe!While trying to diagnose my cruise control not working, I found out that my speed sensor signal is absent. I was looking for some information online on how to fix it and the only answer I found was - just replace the whole gauge-cluster. Well, as you might imagine, these cars are getting more and more rare, so "just go find in junkyard" option might not always be available.In this article I will guide you through how to test and fix speed sensor in 1g Eclipse for only 3 bucks and 30min of your time.The easiest way to test if your speed sensor works without disassembling any of the interior is C-65 connector right next to left driver's foot. We are looking for yellow-white pin 11. You must be registered to see...
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